GPT Adoption: We’re Doing It Backwards

Rethinking the integration of LLMs with technology-centric strategies.

GPT Summary: The integration of large language models (LLMs) like GPT and LaMDA into existing human-centric and business structures is limiting their full potential. To fully capitalize on the power of AI and GPT, we need to unlearn, rethink, and relearn the ways we use these technologies. By building AI and GPT-driven processes from the ground up, we can potentially harness the advantages of speed, economy, and ease of use. Education and medicine are areas where GPT-based processes could be used to revolutionize the learning and patient care experiences. By incorporating AI-driven systems at the core of these practices, we can improve accuracy, optimize options, and ultimately enhance outcomes. To fully realize the potential of AI and GPT, we must reconsider our approach and build processes from the ground up.

The age of artificial intelligence and large language models, such as GPT and LaMDA, is upon us—transforming numerous aspects of our lives, from the workplace to the home. However, while these advancements hold great promise, the adoption and implementation of AI and GPT are largely happening in a backward manner. Let me explain…

We are attempting to fit these transformative technologies into existing human-centric and business structures, potentially limiting their full potential. In many cases—and essential to success—we should rethink our approach, building AI and GPT-driven processes from the ground up.

The Square Peg of Innovation

The current approach to AI and GPT adoption is akin to fitting a square peg into a round hole. As these technologies are disruptive innovations, their integration into traditional systems and processes can be challenging. In many instances, the integration of AI and GPT may be obstructed or limited due to human complacency or rigid business structures. Consequently, the true potential of these technologies remains untapped or tragically slowed.

Unlearning, Rethinking, and Relearning

To fully capitalize on the power of AI and GPT, we must be willing to unlearn, rethink, and relearn the ways in which we use these technologies. In other words, we need to reconsider the optimal utility of AI and GPT in our lives. While we do not want to upend humanity or completely restructure our lives and industries, there are areas, such as education and medicine, where building GPT-based processes from the ground up may be beneficial.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler, Future Shock

From Customer-Centricity to AI-Centricity

As we shift from customer-centricity to AI-centricity, the end goal remains focused on the customer. However, by integrating AI and GPT in a more organic and ground-up manner, we can potentially harness the advantages of speed, economy, and ease of use.

Take, for example, education. Instead of merely supplementing traditional teaching methods with AI-driven tools, we could reimagine the entire learning process. By building a curriculum that leverages the power of AI and GPT from the outset, we can create personalized learning experiences, identify and address individual student needs, and foster deeper engagement with the material.

Similarly, in medicine, GPT-based processes could be used to revolutionize diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care. By incorporating AI-driven systems at the core of medical practice, we can improve the accuracy of diagnoses, optimize treatment options, and ultimately enhance patient outcomes. Further, we can align the needs and skills of the healthcare provider to create optimized systems that enhance skill as well as address staff satisfaction and burnout.

From the ground (microprocessor) up

The adoption and implementation of AI and GPT seem a bit backward in many respects, as we attempt to integrate these transformative technologies into existing human and business constructs. To fully realize the potential of AI and GPT, it is imperative that we reconsider our approach and, where appropriate, build processes from the ground up. By embracing the disruptive nature of these innovations, we can unlock untold benefits with both speed and efficiency.
