Archive for May 2023
The Data Dilemma
We’re creating more data than the human mind could begin to process, let alone analyze. I don’t think there’s any way to get around it. The ability of our human brains to assimilate, understand, corral, or even deal with the volume of information is at a point where it’s functionally impossible. You can look at…
Read MoreConsumerism In Healthcare: The Relentless Chase Of An Elusive Goal
I guess it all converges on one point: the customer. From the dry cleaners to the operating room, the goal now seems to be customer-centricity. Yes, thumbs up, four stars, and likes are today’s currency of success. In a recent survey by Kaufman Hall, that examined 200 hospitals and healthcare systems, the headline was loud and clear. Survey…
Read MoreIt’s Official, The Transhuman Era Has Begun
Don’t believe me. Ask Gartner. A recent press release introducing the 2018 version of their well-known hype chart contained a powerful and unsettling headline. Gartner Identifies Five Emerging Technology Trends That Will Blur the Line Between Human and Machine I had to read it a couple of times. And as you dig a bit deeper into…
Read MoreTechnology’s Battle for IQ, EQ, or Something Very Different
The time has come for the quantification of our ability to embrace technology It’s the humanity. It’s the technology. It’s the vast complexities of our evolving world that both humanity and technology just can’t seem to find a middle ground. I’ve found that many of life’s discussions–from the dining room to the emergency room–often move…
Read MoreData Is the New Window Into Humanity
Moving beyond the telescope and microscope, data is the new window into life. There is perhaps one word in today’s techno-vocabulary that drives both interest and concern. And that’s the four-letter word, data. It comes in all sizes and shapes and is as ubiquitous as life itself. Whether you know it or not, we manufacture…
Read MoreCan Isolation Be The New Way To Empower Collaboration?
Intermittent team disruptions can actually improve collective intelligence. Look around, it’s everywhere: the open office. It all started with that wide-open office format with the beanbag chairs and coffee bar. Ending the traditional offices, (or should I say silos), seems to be a way to build the “collaboratory” and drive both productivity and innovation. Well, it seems that…
Read MoreThe Dirty Little Secret About Failing Fast
Failing can be less a function of the market and more about human nature. Have you ever heard of the Yerkes-Dodson Law? Neither have I. However, in today’s performance-driven world, it might be one of the most important laws of innovation and productivity. The Yerkes-Dodson Law states that there is a relationship between performance and arousal. In other…
Read MoreThe Evolution Of Innovation And The Rule Of Punctuated Equilibrium
A common mantra of the life sciences industry can be captured in a one word—innovate. To survive in today’s hostile world, a company must out-think and out-innovate the competition. And out of that wet, murky reality crawled the new pharma life form called the accelerator. Born, generally with a spine of conviction, this new and…
Read MoreThe Secret To Innovation Is The Lightning Rod, Not The Lightning
The relentless search for innovation is the rallying call of industry today, and big pharma is no different. Thousands of employees are commonly huddled together in impressive conference rooms and amphitheaters and the key task is send down from on high: INNOVATE. Then, those huddled masses, sometimes even struck with the fear of obsolescence, look…
Read MoreThe Style of Innovation: Elon Musk vs. Nikola Tesla
The voices of change may be more fragile than you think. Quick, name an innovator? Yep, that’s correct. Elon Musk commonly comes up as a one of today’s top innovative minds. And we also tend to reference some of Musk’s traits as a group of “must have” qualities that drive everything from job hires to…
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