Quantifying “Brainpower” in the Age of AI

Remember horsepower? Maybe it’s time for a standardized human cognitive metric.

GPT Summary: As AI continues to advance, it is crucial to reevaluate the “human standard” by which we measure human capabilities. The concept of “brainpower” could serve as a new benchmark, similar to how “horsepower” evolved as a standard for engine power. This would provide a relevant measure for comparing human cognition with AI’s computational abilities. However, to truly understand human thinking, we must recognize the balance between cognitive capacity and broader aspects of intelligence. By focusing on qualities like empathy, creativity, and adaptability, we can redefine the “human standard” as an expression of our innate humanity, allowing us to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.

Okay, let’s push on things a little bit.

As technology and artificial intelligence continue to progress, we find ourselves reevaluating the very definition of what it means to be human. The “human standard” — the yardstick against which we measure human capabilities — is increasingly being overshadowed by the leaps and bounds made in the world of technology. Just as the concept of “horsepower” evolved from a functional measure of a horse’s work to a standard unit for engine power, perhaps it’s time to think about a similar “brainpower” standard in the context of AI.

The Evolution of the “Human Standard”

The “human standard” was once a tangible benchmark, something that could be easily quantified and understood. “As good as a person” was commonly the benchmark for technology and seen in areas such as assembly lines and chatbots. It was the maximum potential of our collective physical and mental abilities. However, with the advent of AI and advanced technologies, this benchmark has shifted, and we now find ourselves grappling with the implications of this change. And certainly, ChatGPT has brought this to a level of acute awareness.

Historical Precedent: The Horsepower Standard

In the early days of the industrial revolution, the power of engines was compared to the strength and capability of horses, resulting in the concept of “horsepower.” Over time, this measure evolved into a standardized unit that is still used today, even though it no longer has a direct connection to horses, but we all know, at least in a conceptual way, that one horsepower (550 ft-pounds) is a indication of power. The idea of horsepower highlights how we can adapt and create new standards—a car’s engine strength—that better reflect the changing world.

The Concept of “Brainpower”

As AI technologies like GPT and ChatGPT push the boundaries of human cognition, it may be time to consider quantifying “brainpower” as a standard, much like horsepower. This new benchmark would serve as a comparison between human thinking and the computational capabilities of AI, providing a more relevant measure in the context of today’s technological landscape. The computing power needed to replicate the human brain’s relevant activities has been estimated by various authors, with answers ranging from 1012 to 1028 FLOPS.

In fields such as law, medicine, and other professions, we often compare thinking and computational skills to human capabilities. By establishing “brainpower” as a standard, we can create a lasting comparison that will help us better understand the ever-evolving relationship between human cognition and AI.

The Human Standard—Pushing Beyond Cognition

Cognitive capacity, while often used as a benchmark for human thinking, is a relatively crude measurement of functional thinking. It primarily focuses on aspects such as memory, problem-solving, and analytical skills, but fails to encompass the full range of human thought. Human thinking is not merely a matter of cognitive prowess; it also includes the richness of emotions, which play a vital role in shaping our experiences, decisions, and interactions. Emotions bring depth, nuance, and context to our thought processes, allowing us to navigate the complexities of life with empathy, intuition, and creativity. In order to truly appreciate and understand human thinking, we must recognize the profound interplay between cognitive capacity and emotional intelligence, as this intricate balance is what makes us uniquely human.

As AI continues to develop at a breakneck pace, the “human standard” must be redefined. We must ask ourselves: What is it that makes us uniquely human? Is it our capacity for empathy, creativity, or our ability to adapt and learn? By focusing on these qualities, we can redefine the “human standard” as a measure of our innate humanity, rather than a comparison to our ever-evolving technology.

Embracing Human Power vs. Brainpower in the Age of AI

With a pace that seems ever increasing, machines continue to surpass human abilities. It is essential that we approach the “human standard” not as a marker, threshold, or vestige of the past, but as an opportunity for growth, self-improvement and even fundamental differentiation.

In the face of AI’s rapid development, embracing the “human standard” as a reflection of our inherent humanity will allow us to continue evolving and thriving in this tech new world. We should leverage it as a tool to help us better understand ourselves and the world around us, always mindful of the unique qualities that make us human.
