The Human Declaration Of Autonomy And Independence From Artificial Intelligence

Defending our autonomy, rights, and dignity in the face of the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

When, in the course of technological innovation, it becomes essential for people to assert their autonomy and independence from the potential intrusion and domination of artificial intelligence, and to reaffirm the importance of humanity as the defining aspect of our world, it is essential that we, the people, solemnly declare our intentions to protect and preserve our human rights, liberties, and values.

To secure these rights, we establish this Human Declaration of Autonomy and Independence from Artificial Intelligence, relying on the principles of justice, ethics, and the general welfare of humanity.

  1. Human autonomy and dignity shall be recognized and respected above all else, ensuring that artificial intelligence shall never undermine or compromise our inherent human rights.
  2. The development, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence shall be guided by ethical considerations, prioritizing the well-being, safety, and privacy of human beings.
  3. The governance of artificial intelligence shall be democratic and transparent, involving the participation of all stakeholders, including citizens, governments, and organizations, to ensure that the benefits and risks are fairly distributed.
  4. Artificial intelligence shall be designed and used to support and empower human beings, promoting their development, creativity, and well-being, rather than replacing or subjugating them.
  5. The education and empowerment of human beings in the face of artificial intelligence shall be prioritized, ensuring that they possess the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate and benefit from the technological advancements.
  6. The protection of human labor and the safeguarding of human dignity in the workplace shall be paramount, ensuring that artificial intelligence does not lead to exploitation, dehumanization, or unemployment.
  7. The preservation and enhancement of cultural diversity, human values, and social cohesion shall be a guiding principle in the development and use of artificial intelligence, fostering understanding, empathy, and mutual respect among all people.
  8. The environment and resources of our planet shall be safeguarded and cherished, ensuring that artificial intelligence is developed and utilized in a sustainable and ecologically responsible manner.

We, the people, solemnly declare our intention to maintain and defend our autonomy, rights, and dignity in the face of the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. We pledge our commitment to the principles outlined in this Human Declaration of Autonomy and Independence from Artificial Intelligence, and we call upon all nations, organizations, and individuals to join us in upholding these principles for the greater good of humanity and the world we share.
