Will LLMs Lull Us Into Submission?

Bread & Circuses, Distractions & Empowerment

GPT Summary: The use of language models, such as GPT-4 and DALLE, has become a topic of obsession for some. The concept of “bread and circuses” is used to describe the superficial appeasement of the masses through entertainment rather than meaningful public service or policy, a practice that originated in ancient Rome. While language models can offer endless streams of mindless creations, they also have the potential to transform society in positive ways, such as fostering creativity and enhancing productivity. Striking a balance between the distracting and empowering aspects of AI-driven platforms is essential for ensuring that technology enriches our lives rather than lulling us into submission.

A day doesn’t go by without me hearing another story, post or Tweet about an obsessive engagement with LLMs. From fantastic, hyper-realistic images to another modern sonnet in the style of Shakespeare. In some way, it feels like a new version of an all-consuming video game hiding behind a cognitive or artistic justification.

It feels a bit like bread and circuses…

The concept of “bread and circuses” (panem et circenses) has been a recurring theme throughout history, from ancient Rome to the modern age. This term, coined by the Roman satirist Juvenal around A.D. 100, refers to the appeasement of the masses through superficial means, such as entertainment and immediate satisfaction, rather than through meaningful public service or policy. In today’s world, AI-driven platforms, in some circumstances, can be seen as the digital embodiment of “bread and circuses.” Let’s take a closer look.

Historical Context of Bread and Circuses

In ancient Rome, politicians vying for power would provide cheap food and entertainment to sway the votes of the lower classes. This practice, initiated by the introduction of grain doles in 140 B.C., became the most effective way to rise to power. Juvenal’s disdain for this strategy was rooted in the belief that it eroded civic duty and promoted the decline of heroism among Romans. He might be on to something…

The Modern-Day Bread and Circuses

Today, AI-powered platforms like GPT4 and DALLE can be seen as contemporary counterparts to bread and circuses. By offering endless streams of mindless image creation and dialogues hell-bent on finding some factual error of hallucination, these platforms can easily lure users into a spiral of distraction. How far off is the erosion of civic duty and broader concerns?

The Positive Side of Language Models

Despite the potential for distraction, AI-driven platforms can also have transformative effects on society. Language models like GPT-4 can foster creativity, provide valuable educational resources, and promote global communication. They can also help address complex problems, automate mundane tasks, and enhance productivity in various industries.

Seeking a Balance

The challenge lies in striking a balance between the distracting and empowering aspects of AI-driven platforms. While it’s easy to get lost in the digital rabbit hole, we must also recognize the potential of these technologies to foster positive change. By being mindful of our usage and critically evaluating the content we consume, we can ensure that AI continues to be a force for good in our lives.

As we navigate this digital age, it is important to remain aware of the double-edged nature of AI-driven platforms. By acknowledging both the “bread and circuses” aspect and the potential for meaningful empowerment, we can strive to create a world in which technology enriches our lives rather than merely distracting us from what truly matters.
